Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Something to Move on and on............

Make a list of all the things you wanted to do but never got down to doing. Now think of the reason why and if you think hard enough, you will realise that the only obstacle in the way was YOU.
Either you were waiting - for the right opportunity, the right time, the right mood, etc. to get the job done or you were guilty of holding yourself back with a set of excuses: I am not ready, I can't do it, the time's not right, I'll do it tomorrow, etc.
Either way, it's an opportunity wasted and regret tasted. And it tastes bitter.
When you regret something you become unhappy, get shackled to the past, waste your present and become hopelessly pessimistic about your future. Your confidence takes a beating as does your self esteem and self respect.
You start doubting your capabilities and your attitude accelerates towards negativity. Nothing seems right and it seems right to think so.
And from being a potential success, you turn yourself into a confirmed failure. But life is not about regretting lost opportunities, it's about counting the radiating possibilities.
it's about being positive, about looking ahead rather than looking back, it's more about what you can do than what you have done. It's about being happy.
And the best way to do that is to have less to regret. So, how do you tackle your regret list? Just do it: From your regret list, select what you can still do and go ahead and just do it.
It's up to me: Remember if it is to be, it is up to me. Do it yourself! DUnderstand that there is never a right time or a right moment.
Now is as right a time as any. Grow as you go: Don't wait to be fully ready.
You never will be. Go ahead with what you have (in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude) and build your skills as you go along.
Create opportunities: Don't wait for opportunities, create your own. Like Lakshmi Mittal said, "It's not always that you get to hit the iron when it's hot; believe in hitting it so hard that it gets hot!'' Forget past failures: Failure is not final until you quit. So don't quit, take stock, regroup and go for it again. Faith can move mountains: Have unflinching faith in yourself.
No pain, no gain: Learn to live out of your comfort zone. The road to success is marked with commitments and sacrifices.

Attitude of gratitude: Be happy with what you get, and what you get will always be happiness. Celebrate every achiev-ement: The more you celebrate the less you regret.

Remember, never let yesterday's regrets overshadow tomorrows dreams.

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