Tuesday, November 27, 2007

IITF - Indian International Trade Fair

It's more then 15 year since when I'm regularly vi sting IITF. It always has some kind of attraction I don't know what it. I start going there with my friends when I was studying then with my sis and now after marriage going with my husband he is I must say he was not actually interested in all this but now he also like going there. In last three years once I lost my wallet which was full of money and my credit and debit cards then once my sis lost his purse then also we lost quite huge money but still all this doesn't stooped me going there. It's always fun going there. Quite difficult to go through all the stalls in one day and more difficult is to get time and somebody to go there more then one day so once you go wait for another year to go again................... but still it's fun going there and watching those new items new products that crowd and all that.