Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Something to Move on and on............

Make a list of all the things you wanted to do but never got down to doing. Now think of the reason why and if you think hard enough, you will realise that the only obstacle in the way was YOU.
Either you were waiting - for the right opportunity, the right time, the right mood, etc. to get the job done or you were guilty of holding yourself back with a set of excuses: I am not ready, I can't do it, the time's not right, I'll do it tomorrow, etc.
Either way, it's an opportunity wasted and regret tasted. And it tastes bitter.
When you regret something you become unhappy, get shackled to the past, waste your present and become hopelessly pessimistic about your future. Your confidence takes a beating as does your self esteem and self respect.
You start doubting your capabilities and your attitude accelerates towards negativity. Nothing seems right and it seems right to think so.
And from being a potential success, you turn yourself into a confirmed failure. But life is not about regretting lost opportunities, it's about counting the radiating possibilities.
it's about being positive, about looking ahead rather than looking back, it's more about what you can do than what you have done. It's about being happy.
And the best way to do that is to have less to regret. So, how do you tackle your regret list? Just do it: From your regret list, select what you can still do and go ahead and just do it.
It's up to me: Remember if it is to be, it is up to me. Do it yourself! DUnderstand that there is never a right time or a right moment.
Now is as right a time as any. Grow as you go: Don't wait to be fully ready.
You never will be. Go ahead with what you have (in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude) and build your skills as you go along.
Create opportunities: Don't wait for opportunities, create your own. Like Lakshmi Mittal said, "It's not always that you get to hit the iron when it's hot; believe in hitting it so hard that it gets hot!'' Forget past failures: Failure is not final until you quit. So don't quit, take stock, regroup and go for it again. Faith can move mountains: Have unflinching faith in yourself.
No pain, no gain: Learn to live out of your comfort zone. The road to success is marked with commitments and sacrifices.

Attitude of gratitude: Be happy with what you get, and what you get will always be happiness. Celebrate every achiev-ement: The more you celebrate the less you regret.

Remember, never let yesterday's regrets overshadow tomorrows dreams.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Definitions for IT-related words.

Use this is the link for getting the defination of IT related words, to increase your knowledge in this

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Something Price Less------->

Vishnu Ashtotharam - in Hindi

१. ॐ विष्णवे नमः
२. ॐ लक्ष्मी पतिय नमः
३. ॐ क्रिश्नाया नमः
४. ॐ वैकुंताया नमः
५. ॐ गरुदा ध्वजय नमः
६. ॐ परः ब्रह्मने नमः
७. ॐ जगान्नाथाया नमः
८. ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः
९. ॐ त्रिविक्रमाया नमः
१०. ॐ ध्य्ध्यान्थाकाया नमः
११. ॐ मधुरिभावे नमः
१२. ॐ धार्श्यवाहाया नमः
१३. ॐ सनाधानाया नमः
१४. ॐ नारायनाया नमः
१५. ॐ पद्मनाभय नमः
१६. ॐ ह्रिशिकेशाया नमः
१७. ॐ सुधाप्रधाया नमः
१८. ॐ हराए नमः
१९. ॐ पुन्दरिकक्षाया नमः
२०. ॐ सिद्धिधिकर्थ्रे नमः
२१. ॐ पराथ्पराया नमः
२२. ॐ वनामलिने नमः
२३. ॐ यज्नारूपाया नमः
२४. ॐ चक्रपन्ये नमः
२५. ॐ गधाध्राया नमः
२६. ॐ उपेंद्राया नमः
२७. ॐ केशावाया नमः
२८. ॐ हमसाया नमः
२९. ॐ समुद्रमाधानाया नमः
३०. ॐ हराए नमः
३१. ॐ गोविन्दय नमः
३२. ॐ प्रह्मजन्काया नमः
३३. ॐ कैताबसुरामार्धनाया नमः
३४. ॐ सृधाराया नमः
३५. ॐ कामाजकाया नमः
३६. ॐ सेशाया नमः
३७. ॐ चाधुर्भुजय नमः
३८. ॐ पान्चाजन्याधाराया नमः
३९. ॐ सृमठे नमः
४०. ॐ शारंगापनाये नमः
४१. ॐ जनार्धनाया नमः
४२. ॐ पिताम्भाराधाराया नमः
४३. ॐ देवाय नमः
४४. ॐ सुर्यचान्द्रविलोचानाया नमः
४५. ॐ मत्स्यरूपाया नमः
४६. ॐ कुर्मथानावे नमः
४७. ॐ क्रोधारूपाया नमः
४८. ॐ न्रुकेसरिने नमः
४९. ॐ वामानाया नमः
५०. ॐ भार्गावाया नमः
५१. ॐ रामाय नमः
५२. ॐ हलिने नमः
५३. ॐ कल्किने नमः
५४. ॐ हयानानाया नमः
५५. ॐ विस्वम्बराया नमः
५६. ॐ सिम्सुमाराया नमः
५७. ॐ सृखाराया नमः
५८. ॐ कपिलाया नमः
५९. ॐ ध्रुवाया नमः
६०. ॐ दात्तात्रेयाया नमः
६१. ॐ अच्युताया नमः
६२. ॐ अनंताया नमः
६३. ॐ मुकुंधाया नमः
६४. ॐ धिधिवामानाया नमः
६५. ॐ धन्वंत्राए नमः
६६. ॐ सृनिवासाया नमः
६७. ॐ प्रद्युम्नाया नमः
६८. ॐ पुरुशोथामय नमः
६९. ॐ सृवाथ्कौस्थुभाध्राया नमः
७०. ॐ मुरराधाये नमः
७१. ॐ अधोश्जाया नमः
७२. ॐ रुशाभय नमः
७३. ॐ मोहनारूपधारिने नमः
७४. ॐ संगर्शनाया नमः
७५. ॐ प्रिथावे नमः
७६. ॐ शीराब्धिसायेने नमः
७७. ॐ भूधाथ्माने नमः
७८. ॐ अनिरुधाया नमः
७९. ॐ भक्थावात्सलाया नाम्हा
८०. ॐ नाराया नमः
८१. ॐ गजेंद्रवारादाया नमः
८२. ॐ थ्रिधामने नमः
८३. ॐ भूथाभावानाया नमः
८४. ॐ स्वेतावास्धाव्याया नमः
८५. ॐ सुर्यामंदालामाध्याकाया नमः
८६. ॐ सनाकथिमुनिथ्येयाया नमः
८७. ॐ भागावाठे नमः
८८. ॐ संकराप्रियाया नमः
८९. ॐ नीलाकंथाया नमः
९०. ॐ थाराकान्थाया नमः
९१. ॐ वेदाथ्माने नमः
९२. ॐ भाध्रायानाया नमः
९३. ॐ भागिराथिजन्मभूमिपादापद्माया नमः
९४. ॐ स्थं प्रभाव नमः
९५. ॐ स्वभाव नमः
९६. ॐ विभवे नमः
९७. ॐ कनाकश्यमाया नमः
९८. ॐ जगढ़कारानाया नमः
९९. ॐ अव्ययाया नमः
१००. ॐ बुद्धावाधाराया नमः
१०१. ॐ शान्थाथ्माने नमः
१०२. ॐ लीलामानुषा विग्रहाया नमः
१०३. ॐ दमोधाराया नमः
१०४. ॐ विरातारूपाया नमः
१०५. ॐ भूधाभाव्यभावाथ प्रभाव नमः
१०६. ॐ आदि देवाय नमः
१०७. ॐ देवा देवाय नमः
१०८. ॐ प्रह्लाधा परिपलाखाया नमः

Vishnu Ashtotharam

1. Om Vishnave Namah
2. Om Lakshmi Pathaye Namah
3. Om Krishnaya Namah
4. Om Vaikuntaaya Namah
5. Om Garuda Dhvajaya Namah
6. Om Parah Brahmane Namah
7. Om Jagannathaya Namah
8. Om Vaasudevaya Namah
9. Om Trivikramaya Namah
10. Om Dhydhyaanthakaaya Namah
11. Om Madhuribhave Namah
12. Om Dhaarshyavahaaya Namah
13. Om Sanaadhanaaya Namah
14. Om Narayanaya Namah
15. Om Padmanabhaya Namah
16. Om Hrishikeshaya Namah
17. Om Sudhapradhaya Namah
18. Om Haraye Namah
19. Om Pundarikakshaya Namah
20. Om Siddhidhikarthre Namah
21. Om Paraathparaya Namah
22. Om Vanamaline Namah
23. Om Yagnaroopaya Namah
24. Om Chakrapanye Namah
25. Om Gadhadhraya Namah
26. Om Upendraya Namah
27. Om Keshavaya Namah
28. Om Hamsaaya Namah
29. Om SamudraMadhanaya Namah
30. Om Haraye Namah
31. Om Govindaya Namah
32. Om Prahmajankaya Namah
33. Om KaitabasuraMardhanaya Namah
34. Om Sridharaya Namah
35. Om Kaamajakaaya Namah
36. Om Seshaya Namah
37. Om Chadhurbhujaya Namah
38. Om Paanchajanyadharaaya Namah
39. Om SriMathe Namah
40. Om Shaarangapanaye Namah
41. Om Janardhanaya Namah
42. Om Pitambharadharaya Namah
43. Om Devaya Namah
44. Om SuryaChandraVilochanaya Namah
45. Om MatsyaRoopaya Namah
46. Om Kurmathanave Namah
47. Om Krodharoopaya Namah
48. Om Nrukesarine Namah
49. Om Vaamanaaya Namah
50. Om Bhaargavaaya Namah
51. Om Raamaya Namah
52. Om Haline Namah
53. Om Kalkine Namah
54. Om Hayaananaaya Namah
55. Om Viswambaraya Namah
56. Om Simsumaaraya Namah
57. Om Srikharaaya Namah
58. Om Kapilaaya Namah
59. Om Dhruvaaya Namah
60. Om Dattatreyaya Namah
61. Om Achyutaya Namah
62. Om Anantaaya Namah
63. Om Mukundhaaya Namah
64. Om Dhidhivaamanaaya Namah
65. Om Dhanvantraye Namah
66. Om Srinivasaya Namah
67. Om Pradyumnaya Namah
68. Om Purushothamaya Namah
69. Om Srivathkausthubhadhraaya Namah
70. Om Muraradhaye Namah
71. Om Adhoshjaaya Namah
72. Om Rushabhaya Namah
73. Om MohanaroopaDharine Namah
74. Om Sangarshanaaya Namah
75. Om Prithave Namah
76. Om Sheerabdhisaayene Namah
77. Om Bhoodhathmane Namah
78. Om Anirudhaaya Namah
79. Om Bhakthavatsalaaya Namah
80. Om Naraaya Namah
81. Om GajendraVaradaaya Namah
82. Om Thridhamne Namah
83. Om Bhoothabhavanaaya Namah
84. Om Svetavaasdhavyaaya Namah
85. Om SuryamandalaMadhyakaaya Namah
86. Om SanakathiMunithyeyaaya Namah
87. Om Bhagavathe Namah
88. Om SankaraPriyaya Namah
89. Om Neelakanthaya Namah
90. Om Tharakaanthaaya Namah
91. Om Vedathmane Namah
92. Om Bhadhraayanaaya Namah
93. Om BhagirathiJanmaBhoomiPaadaPadmaaya Namah
94. Om Stham Prabhave Namah
95. Om Svabhave Namah
96. Om Vibhave Namah
97. Om KanakaShyamaaya Namah
98. Om Jagadhkaaranaaya Namah
99. Om Avyayaaya Namah
100. Om Buddhavadharaaya Namah
101. Om Shaanthathmane Namah
102. Om Leelamaanusha Vigrahaaya Namah
103. Om Damodharaaya Namah
104. Om Viraataroopaaya Namah
105. Om Bhoodhabhavyabhavath Prabhave Namah
106. Om Aadi Devaaya Namah
107. Om Deva Devaaya Namah
108. Om Prahladha Paripalakhaya Namah

Significance of 108

Below are some of the many reasons that have been given, as well as a few other points of interest. None of these reasons are being promoted here as more or less true than the others. Hocount mantras, the mantra be remembered with sincerity, devotion, feeling, and full attention.wever, you may notice that 108 appears to be somewhat like a road map of reality in general, and the human in particular. Regardless of the meaning of 108, it is important that if a mala is used to

9 times 12 : Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.

Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math : 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108

Desires : There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.

Lies : There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.

Delusions : There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.

Heart Chakra : The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

Sanskrit alphabet : There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

Pranayama : If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.

Upanishads : Some say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom of the ancient sages.

Sri Yantra : On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

Pentagon : The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.

Marmas : Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.

Time : Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

8 extra beads : In doing a practice of counting the number of repetitions of the mala, 100 are counted as completed. The remaining are said to cover errors or omissions. The 8 are also said to be an offering to God and Guru.

Chemistry : Interestingly, there are about 115 elements known on the periodic table of the elements. Most of those, around or higher than the number 100 only exist in the laboratory, and some for only thousandths of a second. The number that naturally exist on Earth is around 100.

Astrology : There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.

River Ganga : The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.

Planets and Houses : In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108.

Goddess names : There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.

Gopis of Krishna : In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna.

1, 0, and 8 : Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

Sun and Earth : The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

Moon and Earth : The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

Silver and the moon : In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.

Numerical scale : The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals 9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 10, etc., where 0 is not a number.

Meditations : Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

Breath : Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.

Paths to God : Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.

Smaller divisions : The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth, so that some malas have 54, 36, 27, or 9 beads.

Hinduism : 108 is said to refer to the number of Hindu deities. Some say that each of the deities has 108 names.

Islam : The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.

Jain : In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.

Sikh : The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.

Buddhism : Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year.

Chinese : The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each.

Stages of the soul : Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.

Meru : This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.

Dance : There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.

Praiseworthy souls : There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Meaning of My Name


Madhu is the Sanskrit origin of the English word mead, a fermented beverage made from honey.

Madhu means nectar in Sanskrit and liquor in Tamil.

Madhu is also a common gender neutral name in India.

Lord Vishnu is also referred to by this name

In hindu mythology were not offered Madhu( Amrutham ) by Hindu god Vishnu in Mohani avatar.

Madhu, a type of alcohol consumed by lord Vishnu thus giving him another name 'Madhusudhan'.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Bengali poet

MadhuBala, famous and beautiful Indian actress

Madhu Sudan, Indian computer scientist

Madhu, a prominent actor who has featured in many Malayalam movies in the past few decades.

Madhu, a prominent Roman Catholic Church in .

Madhu, a surname in caste named Brahmakshatriya pronounced as "Maadhu"

Sunday, January 13, 2008

108 Names of Lord Krishna

Achala, Achyuta, Adbhutah,Adidev, Aditya, Ajanma, Ajaya, Akshara, Amrut, Anaadih, Anandsagar, Ananta, Anantajit, Anaya, Aniruddha, Aparajeet, Abyukta, Balgopal, Bali, Chaturbhuj,Danavendra, Dayalu, Dayanidhi, Devadidev, Devakinandan, Devesh, Gyaneshwar, Dharmadhyaksha, Dwarkapati,Gppal, Gopalpriya, Govinda, Hari, Hiranyagarbha, Hrishikesh, Jagadguru, Jagadisha, Jagannath, Janardhana, Jayantah, Jyotiraaditya, Kamalnath, Kamalnayan, Kamsantak, Kanjalochana,Keshava, Krishna, Lakshmikantam, Lokadhyaksha, Madan,Madhava, Madhusudan, Mahendra, Manmohan, Manohar,Mayur, Mohan, Murali, Murlidhar, Murlimanohar, Nandgopala, Narayana, Niranjana, Nirguna ,Padmahasta, Padmanabha, Parabrahmana, Paramatma ,Parampurush,Parthasarthi, Prajapati,Punyah, Purshottam, Ravilochana, Sahasraakash, Sahasrajit, Sahasrapaat,Sakshi, Sanatana,Sarvajana, Sarvapalaka,Sarveshwar, Satyavachana,Satyavrata, Shantah, Shreshta,Shrikanta,Shyam,Shyamsundara, Sudarshana,Sumedha, Suresham,Swargapati,Trivikrama, Upendra, Vaikunthanatha,Vardhamaanah, Vasudev , Vishnu,Vishwadakshinah, Vishwakarma,Vishwamurti, Vishwarupa ,Vishwatma ,Vrishaparvaa, Yadavendra, Yogi. Yoginampati
अचला, अच्युता, अद्भुतः,आदिदेव, आदित्य, अजन्मा, अजय, अक्षर, अमृत, अनादिः, आनंद्सागर, अनंता, अनंताजित, अन्य, अनिरुद्ध, अपराजीत, अब्युकता, बालगोपाल, बलि, चतुर्भुज,दनावेंद्र, दयालु, दयानिधि, देवादिदेव, देवकीनंदन, देवेश, ज्ञानेश्वर, धर्मध्यक्षा, द्वार्कापति,ग्प्पल, गोपल्प्रिया, गोविंदा, हरी, हिरान्यगार्भा, हृषिकेश, जगद्गुरु, जगादिषा, जगन्नाथ, जनार्धना, जयंतः, ज्योतिरादित्य, कमलनाथ, कमलनयन, कम्संतक, कन्जलोचना,केशव, कृष्ण, लक्ष्मिकनतम, लोकाध्यक्षा, मदन,माधव, मधुसूदन, महेंद्र, मनमोहन, मनोहर,मयूर, मोहन, मुरली, मुरलीधर, मुरलीमनोहर, नंद्गोपाला, नारायणा, निरंजन, निर्गुण ,पद्महस्ता, पद्मनाभा, परब्रह्माना, परमात्मा ,परम्पुरुष,पर्थासर्थी, प्रजापति,पुण्यः, पुरषोत्तम, रविलोचना, सहस्राकाश, सहस्राजित, सहस्रपात,साक्षी, सनाताना,सर्वजन, सर्वपलाका,सर्वेश्वर, सत्यावाचना,सत्याव्रता, शान्तः, श्रेष्ट,श्रीकंता,श्याम,श्यामसुन्दर, सुदर्शना,सुमेधा, सुरेषम,स्वर्गापति,त्रिविक्रमा, उपेन्द्र, वैकुंथानाथा,वर्धमानः, वासुदेव , विष्णु,विश्वदाक्षिनाह, विश्वकर्मा,विश्वमुर्ती, विश्वरूपा ,विश्वात्मा ,वृशापर्वा, यादवेन्द्र, योगी. योगिनाम्पति,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

visit to Temple Akshardham, Delhi

Day before yesterday I visited Akshardham temple, Delhi and amazed by seeing it's beauty with every move in the temple I was feeling so grate and happy to see that beauty I think every one of us should visit this temple once in our life time. People there are comparing it with Tajmahal and find it as beautiful or even more.

Here are some info and the links for your reference to know more and more about it.

Swaminarayan Akshardham reflects the essence and magnitude of India's ancient architecture, traditions and timeless spirituality.The main monument, depicting ancient Indian "vastu shastra" and architecture, is a marvel in pink sandstone and white marble that is 141 feet high, 316 feet wide and 370 feet long with 234 ornate pillars, over 20,000 sculptures and statues of deities, eleven 72-foot-high huge domes (mandapams) and decorative arches. And like a necklace, a double-storied parikrama of red sandstone encircles the monuments with over 155 small domes and 1,160 pillars. The whole monument rises on the shoulders of 148 huge elephants with 11-feet tall panchdhatu statue of Swaminarayan presiding over the structure.

Akshardham enters Guinness Book of Records

New Delhi, December 26: The Akshardham temple in Delhi has made it to the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world's largest Hindu temple complex.

A senior official of the Guinness World Records Ltd travelled to India last week to present two world record certificates to the head of Swaminarayan Sansthan, Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Michael Witty, a senior member of the Guinness World Record Main Management Committee, presented the awards to Bochasanvasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sansthan (BAPS) under two categories – Most Hindu temples consecrated by a single person and secondly, the world's largest comprehensive Hindu temple.

"His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, internationally revered spiritual leader and head of BAPS Swaminarayan Sansthan, has created and consecrated in accordance with the Hindu rituals, a world record of 713 mandirs (temples) in five continents between April 1971 and November 2007," the Certificate said.

"Amongst these, the majestic, ornately hand-carved BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi, India, stands apart as the largest Hindu temple in the world," it added.
"It took us three months of research, poring over the extensive architectural plans of the Akshardham and also those of other temples of comparable size, visiting and inspecting the site, before we were convinced that Akshardham deserved the title," Michael Whitty said.

This is the first time that the Guinness Book has recognised a Hindu temple in its list of large religious structures.