Friday, June 22, 2007


I don't no what the fun people having by sending these mails to make fool of others. I am the current victim of this. I’m using internet for last more then 10 years and first time this happened with me, I never opened such mails but I don't why this time I believe on this and keep replying the why that foolish person want me to do it. I got mail by the name of British Lottery and believed that and they make a fool of me for more then 3 days. Still I thank god that I may save from some loss.

शुक्र है भगवन का.

To all my friends who reading this experience of mine be aware of this, and don’t believe in such mails.
But as someone said "Every Problem has Gift in its Hand” I do get the gift of it, so at end I’m happy by what all happened.